Wrapping Up the Holidays
‘Tis the season of heightened feelings in the air, sparkling lights, festivities, and the coming of the New Year. The holidays can stir up many thoughts and feelings, some light-hearted and some heavy-hearted. In the hustle-bustle of all that this season brings, taking care of you and your needs is a top priority that can get tossed aside with everything else stirring around you.
Have you checked in with yourself? How are you feeling?
When you notice your emotions increasing or your body tightening, pause for a minute, whether that be in your car, in the line at a store, or on your couch. Breathe. Check-in with what your body is telling you.
A simple way to do this is to sit down for a few minutes. Ground your feet on the floor, shut your eyes or keep them open, and take a deep breath. You may even want to light a candle or grab a cozy coffee, tea, or hot cocoa (depending on where you are). Focus on your body relaxing with each breath and notice any tension or feelings you have in different areas of your body. What does it feel like? What do you think your body might be telling you? What do you need to recognize those feelings and sensations and move forward in your day and the next moment?
No feeling is right or wrong. It is okay for you to feel however you feel. Now, knowing what you know, how are you going to proceed as the best you possible following this moment?
Remember, you can do incredible things. You are beautiful. You are loved. You can overcome any season. Find and be the good. Happy Holidays.
If you feel like you need additional support in this season, please call us at 615-591-5262.
Blog written by Refuge Center Masters Level Intern, Sydney Watson
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The Refuge Center for Counseling is a 501c3 nonprofit organization (20-3831943). We are also a United Way of Williamson County Partner Organization.