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Designated Quiet Time


Take a minute to think of a time when your mind was calm and the concerns of the world were quiet…

Isn’t it nice when we’re able to slow down and soak up the present moment? I don’t know about you, but my attempts at “quiet time” seem so easily interrupted. Any number of distractions can rush in and overtake that peaceful moment. Often times, our lives are filled with pressing responsibilities and we don’t schedule time to be still. It is healthy to make time to embrace the calm and relax our minds.

            Picking the most useful type of quiet time is up to you. Some people may like doing yoga, some may enjoy faith-based activities such as reading scripture or praying, and others might choose to soak up the sun and allow their mind to freely wonder. While there are many ways to go about it, I’d like to tell you about something called mindfulness.

            Mindfulness is a meditation where you intensely focus on what you are feeling in the moment. There is an emphasis on refraining from judgement or analysis of your experience until it is over. You may be prompted through guided imagery, attempt certain breathing methods, or use other techniques intended to relax the mind and body. There is an abundant amount of research to show the benefits of mindfulness, including significant stress relief.

            If you’re considering adding mindfulness to your routine, there are several ways to learn more or give it a try. To learn more, Google Scholar has numerous research studies available. If you want to give it a try, there are hundreds of mindfulness videos available online, including YouTube – we also have many Mindfulness Monday exercises saved to our Instagram highlights (@refugecenterforcounseling) under the tab ‘Mindfulness.’ There are also numerous apps available for all types of devices. Additionally, a mental health counselor will likely offer mindfulness and be able give you more information.

            Finding ways to reduce stress and promote tranquility are essential to our well-being. What is preventing us from adding more quiet time to our schedule? I’m confident we will appreciate the benefits if we simply give it a try!

If you need additional support, The Refuge Center is here to help! Feel free to contact us at 615-591-5262.

Blog written by Master’s Level Intern, Connor Anderson

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The Refuge Center for Counseling is a 501c3 nonprofit organization (20-3831943). We are also a United Way of Williamson County Partner Organization.