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a return to the present


In our busy lives with our hectic schedules trying to balance everything from work, family, relationships, we often get so swept up in everything that we don’t stop to actually be there for it.  Our minds are always elsewhere, anticipating what we have to do next.  Whether that’s rushing to the next meeting, picking up the kids, or thinking about what meal we are going to have next.  There’s always something to worry about and think about in the future.  This way of living is not all bad.  We have real concerns and things that we need to attend to everyday in our lives, and these can require thorough consideration.  However, it can feel like life is constantly going and almost out of our grasp.

I invite you to take a few moments each day to bring yourself into the present and out of the future.  This can be at the beginning of your day, sitting to eat breakfast, before or after lunch, in the afternoon when you may be feeling sleepy, in the evening, or anytime when you feel like you’re getting carried away by the day.

In these moments, take a few long deep breaths into your belly.  Feeling the sensations as the breath moves through the body and expands into your belly and then as it moves out and the belly falls.  Then take a look around and become aware of the objects around you, their colors, their shapes, their textures. Then start noticing the sounds you’re hearing around you. Finally, notice the sensations you might be feeling, like the weight of your body in your chair.

Taking these short moments each day can help us to take a moment to ourselves, where we aren’t rushing to the next thing, and have the space to just be.  They can be refreshing, relaxing, peaceful, and even joyful.  So next time, you find yourself rushing around, remember to take a moment to be here in the present.

If you need additional support, The Refuge Center is here to help! Feel free to contact us at 615-591-5262.

Blog written by The Refuge Center Former Master’s Level Intern – Matthew Maloney

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The Refuge Center for Counseling is a 501c3 nonprofit organization (20-3831943). We are also a United Way of Williamson County Partner Organization.