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“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart.”
-Helen Keller

One of Refuge’s main focuses is to provide affordable and accessible services to all in our community! Once a month, we will share what is in the works, resources, and tools for our clients.

Did You Know?
The Refuge Center for Counseling offers many intentional provisions to allow our mental health services to be accessible. Some of these include:
-Accessible intake and counseling processes
-continual training with staff and therapist on disability etiquette
-hardship grants and sliding scale to limit financial limitations
-accessible property, waiting areas, offices, etc.
-Translation and interpretation services for over 200+ languages including ASL!
Website-As we strive to ensure that all aspects of our services are accessible, we focused on our new website to ensure that it met and exceeded ADA standards. Check it out here.

News and Stories
Governor Lee signs new law affecting the aging disability community. Read about it here.
The CDC provides education on the impact disabilities have on a person’s mental health. Read  here
What does disability mean to you? Listen to Rachel’s story, challenges, and definition here.

Southeastern Guide Dogs is making some big changes. Read the recent message sent out:
“Forty-two years ago, the dream of Southeastern Guide Dogs Inc began with a vision: a modest, regional beacon of hope, offering guide dogs to people with visual impairments in Florida and a select few states in the Southeast.
Today, our reach extends far beyond those early aspirations, touching lives across all fifty states and Puerto Rico.

We now offer guide dogs, service dogs, and skilled companion dogs to people with vision loss, veterans with disabilities, and children struggling with loss.

Beginning on May 1, we will officially shorten our name from Southeastern Guide Dogs Inc to Dogs Inc. As Dogs Inc, our mission, vision, values, and brand remain steadfast, reflecting our history and integrity that define us. Our abbreviated name serves as a declaration of our broadened mission—a testament to our expansive reach, and a beacon for our future ambitions.
Together—same mission, shorter name— we will continue to light the way for those we serve.”

If you know a parent with a disabled child, be sure to connect them to BEST. BEST provides supports and resources for parents who want to best support their child. Learn more here.

Thank you for taking time to look at these resources and tools. Together, we will continue to serve all in our community no matter their disability! If you determine a need that is not being met, please reach out at Jimmy Boehm, Staff Therapist and Accessibility Coordinator. Your feedback is so valuable!